
Scholarly Publications

Forthcoming Putting the public in public art: An ethnographic approach to two temporary art installations. Radice, Martha. City & Society.
2018 La représentation et la préservation de la pollution: Le vivre-ensemble et ses résidus » dans Le vivre-ensemble à l’épreuve des pratiques culturelles et artistiques contemporaines, Ève Lamoureux et Magali Uhl (sous la dir.), Québec, Presses de l’Université Laval, accepté, parution prévue automne 2016 ou hiver 2017. https://www.pulaval.com/produit/le-vivre-ensemble-a-l-epreuve-des-pratiques-culturelles-et-artistiques-contemporaines

Subverting Surveillance: Power and Incivility in Public Transit Art, Martha Radice and Brenden Harvey, in Public Art Encounters, ed. Martin Zebracki and Joni Palmer, Routledge, 2017.

Field Notes: Body Rhythms in Urban Spaces, co-written with Ellen Moffat in Urban Encounters: Art and the Public, Radice, M., & Boudreault-Fournier, A. (eds) (2017) Montréal: McGill-Queen’s University Press.


The Sensory City Workshop: Sensing the City through Touch and Taste, Howes, David, Kim     Morgan, Martha Radice, and David Szanto. 2013. Montréal: Centre for Sensory Studies     Working Paper Series, Concordia University. https://halshs.archivesouvertes.fr/file/index/docid/745030/filename/ambiances2012_radice.pdf

Affective Space, Locative Bodies, with Ellen Moffat, ed. Jean-Paul Thibaud and Daniel Siret. Ambiances in action: Proceedings of the 2nd International Congress on Ambiances / Ambiances en actes : Actes du 2nd Congrès international sur les Ambiances (Montréal, 19-22 -September 2012). Grenoble: International Ambiances Network / Réseau International Ambiances. Available on-line at http://halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr/halshs-00745030/

Rita McKeogh, Interview, Oh, Canada: Contemporary Art from North America, ed. Dennis Markonish, Cambridge, Mass., The MIT Press, 2012. 129-131.

Beyond the Text: Critique and Creativity (with B. Anderson) ed. Z. Bankowski, P. Maharg and M. Del Mar, The Arts and the Legal Academy: Beyond Text in Legal Education, Volume One, London: Ashgate, Chapter 13, 213-223, 2012.

Traces of Time Transit: Co-creating ambiance in a mobile art installation, by Dr. Martha Radice. p. 299-304 in Jean-Paul Thibaud and Daniel Siret (eds.) Ambiances in action: Proceedings of the 2nd International Congress on Ambiances / Ambiances en actes : Actes du 2nd Congrès international sur les Ambiances (Montréal, 19-22 September 2012). Grenoble: International Ambiances Network / Réseau International Ambiances. Available on-line at http://halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr/halshs-00745030/

2011 Tracing the City: Exploring the Private Experience of Public Art through Art and Anthropology, with Martha Radice and Solomon Nagler, ISEA 2011, (International Society of Electronic Art), Sabanci University, Istanbul, Turkey, September 2011.

Window (dis)plays, Off Base: Contemporary Perspectives in Canadian Public Art, ed. Annie Gerin, James McLean. University of Toronto Press, 2009.

Off the Plinth, Espace Magazine, with Robin Metcalf. Interview essay on Public Art in Halifax. Summer 2009.

Activating Memory, Pre-serving Place, by Kim Morgan, sighting/citing/siting, Crossfiring/Mama Wetotan, ed. Kathleen Irwin and Rory MacDonald, Published by the Canadian Plains Research Center, University of Regina. Spring 2009.

2008 Public Space as an Interface for Technology Research and Art, with Craig Gelowitz, M. Eng, Kim Morgan, M.F.A., Dr. Luigi Benedicenti, P. Eng. The International Journal of Technology, Knowledge and Society, Vol. 4, 2008.
2006 Running a-way towards home, Secret Regina, ed. Lorne Beug, Anne Campbell, Jeannie Mah, Canadian Plains Research Centre Publishers.
2004 Conference Proceedings Publication, Crossing Over: Negotiating Specialization in an Interdisciplinary Culture, ed. Kim Morgan, Canadian Plains Research Centre Publishers., June 2004.

Exhibition Catalogues


Out of the Bush Garden, curated by Francesca Valente, published by Antiga Edizioni, 2016.

Weakforce4, split/fountain publishing, Auckland, New Zealand, 2016.

2015 Writing Topography: The Marion McCain Exhibition of Contemporary Atlantic Art, ed., Corinna Ghaznavi, Beaverbrook Art Gallery, Fredericton, NB, ABC Art Books Canada Distribution, 2015.

Kim Morgan: Range Light, Borden-Carleton, PEI, 2010, ed. Ingrid Jenkner, Halifax, MSVU Art Gallery and Confederation Centre Art Gallery, 2012, 33 pages.

Oh, Canada: Contemporary Art from North America., ed. Denise Markonish, Cambridge, Mass., The MIT Press, 2012. pages 316-319.

Place Markers: Mapping Locations and Probing Boundaries, e-catalogue, ed. Peter Dykuis, Dalhousie Art Gallery, 2012.

2010 Beneath The Surface, ed. Katie Belcher and Ingrid Jenkner, Halifax, MSVU Art Gallery, 2010.

Resisting Arrest, Seeking Sustainability, ed. Felipe Diaz and Annette Hurtig, Dunlop Art Gallery, Regina 2005

Art spots, CBC Television Canada. A vignette series on Saskatchewan Artists, to which I am 1/10.

Writings and Reviews

2018 Elise Barnard, A Rural Art Road Trip, Canadian Art, June 28, 2018.
2017  Mémoire de latex, Débrouill Arts, Montreal, Quebec, April-May 2017.

Denise Markonish, I Carry You With My Blood, 2016.

Joshua De Costa, Arts and Sciences Colloquium Matches and Makes, Mixes and Creates. The Link Newspaper, Concordia University, Montreal.


David Jager, Bloody Good: Art meets anatomy in Bloodwork. NOW Magazine On-line, October 21, 2015.

The Daily Gleaner, “A creative legacy lives on at the Beaverbrook Art Gallery” Fredericton, NB daily newspaper. Front page, September 26, 2015.

Rebecca Goodine, In their words: Conversations with Writing Topography artists. Beaverbrook Art Gallery interview on-line.

2013  Elizabeth Hay, Range Light Borden-Carleton PEI, 2010. Blog review on-line.

Ingrid Jenkner, Signifying Softly, Kim Morgan: Range Light, Borden-Carleton, PEI, 2010. ed. Ingrid Jenkner, Halifax, MSVU Art Gallery and Confederation Centre Art Gallery, 2012, 15-33.

Nancy Tousley, Oh, Canada: Notional Dreams, Canadian Art On-line, May 31-June 6, 2012.

Elissa Barnard, NSCAD roots on display, Chronicle Herald, May 26, 2012.


Canadian Arts Magazine: “Kim Morgan: Light Years”

Canadian Arts Magazine, “Sue Carter Flinn’s Top 3: Atlantic Above All”

Akimblog, 2010 CRITICS’ PICKS 12/14/10

CBC PEI, Live at 5, June 4, 2010.Canadian Wildlife Federation

Sean Flinn, Water Works, The Coast, February 11, 2010.


The Leader Post, Time Transit, by Jack Anderson, Nov. 29, pg. 12.

The Prairie Dog, “Kim Morgan”, by Greg Beatty, Oct 26, Cover, pg. 23.

The Arts Report, CBC TV 6 pm News, Sept 20, 2006.

Secret Regina, “Running a-way towards home” by Kim Morgan, ed, Lorne Beug, Anne Campbell, Jeannie Mah, Canadian Plain Research Centre Publishers.


The Arts Report, CBC Radio, by Joanne Skidmore.

Encyclopedia of Saskatchewan, Canadian Plains Research Centre Publishers.

Forum Magazine, “No Business Like the Art Business”, by Mike Taylor, Jan/Feb 2004 edition.

Article on public art in Canada that mentions my work Antsee.

Zigzag, CBC Radio Canada Television Network, Jan 12, Channel 3. Interview at the MacKenzie Art Gallery, on “Skinning Place, Trans/forming Memory”.

Espace Magazine, “Antsee: Kim Morgan”, by Greg Beatty, Winter, 2003-2004.

